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SpeakTe helps young professionals learn important and practical language skills to help them become great communicators.
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Best Selling Courses

Improve your language skills and become a confident speaker!


Business English Program


General English Speaking


Beginner English Speaking


Guaranteed Benefits

We are here to help you succeed in your language learning journey!

Live Classes

We offer live classes for all our members. We have a dedicated team of trainers who are available to help you with your goals.

Flexible Schedule

Pick and chose the best time that fits in your daily schedule. We have a flexible schedule that allows you to work on your language goals.

Growth Focused

We strive for the most friendly and supportive environment for our students and trainers. We encourage lots of practical and fun activities.

We also offer more Personalized Services

You can chose and pick the material/subjects you want to study

1-on-1 Coaching

  • 100% personalized curriculum
  • Fully dedicated personal trainer

Custom Group Classes

  • 1-on-1 Coaching
  • Custom Group Classes
  • English for Hospitality Businesses

Still not convinced?

Read why over 1000+ students love SpeakTe

SpeakTe is the best platform for me improve Speaking English. Especially the teacher are very skilled and students have a lot of opportunities to speak English well. I can recommend all of you to study at SpeakTe ❀️.

Rasmey H. - Law Graduate

🚫Not sponsor αžŠαŸ„αž™ from speakTe αž”αŸ‰αž»αž“αŸ’αžαŸ‚αž‡αžΆαž€αžΆαžšαž…αŸ‚αž€αžšαŸ†αž›αŸ‚αž€αž“αŸ…αž”αž‘αž–αž·αžŸαŸ„αž’αž“αŸαžšαž”αžŸαŸ‹αžαŸ’αž‰αž»αŸ†αžŠαŸ‚αž›αžαŸ’αž‰αž»αŸ†αž”αžΆαž“αž…αž»αŸ‡αžˆαŸ’αž˜αŸ„αŸ‡αžšαŸ€αž“αž”αžΆαž“αž˜αž½αž™αžšαž™αŸ‡αž˜αž€αž αžΎαž™...!😊😊😊. SpeakTe αž‡αžΆαž€αž˜αŸ’αž˜αžœαž·αž’αžΈαžŸαž·αž€αŸ’αžŸαžΆαž˜αž½αž™αžŠαŸ‚αž›αž›αŸ’αž’αžŸαž˜αŸ’αžšαžΆαž”αŸ‹αž‡αž½αž™αž’αŸ’αž“αž€αž‘αžΆαŸ†αž„αž’αžŸαŸ‹αž‚αŸ’αž“αžΆαž€αŸ’αž“αž»αž„αž€αžΆαžšαž–αž„αŸ’αžšαžΉαž„αž€αžΆαžšαž“αž·αž™αžΆαž™(speaking) αž€αžΆαžšαžŸαžšαžŸαŸαžš(writing) αž€αžΆαžšαžŸαŸ’αžαžΆαž”αŸ‹(listening) αžœαŸαžƒαŸ’αž™αžΆαž€αžšαžŽαŸ(grammar) αž–αžΆαž€αŸ’αž™(vocabulary) αž•αŸ’αž“αŸ‚αž€αž—αžΆαžŸαžΆαž’αž„αŸ‹αž‚αŸ’αž›αŸαžŸαžšαž”αžŸαŸ‹αž’αŸ’αž“αž€αž‘αžΆαŸ†αž„αž’αžŸαŸ‹αž‚αŸ’αž“αžΆαž‘αžΎαž„αžœαž·αž‰ αžœαžΆαž‡αžΆαž‡αž˜αŸ’αžšαžΎαžŸαžŠαŸαž›αŸ’αž’αž˜αž½αž™αžŸαž˜αŸ’αžšαžΆαž”αŸ‹αž‡αž½αž™αž’αŸ’αž“αž€αž‘αžΆαŸ†αž„αž’αžŸαŸ‹αž‚αŸ’αž“αžΆπŸ‘πŸ˜‰

Chhor Y. - Chemical Engineer

I can recommend everyone to study with SpeakTe .It’s a good school to make u speak English very well. And The teacher always make u speak English and have fun together ☺️

Kimsour H. - Univeristy Student

SpeakTe platform I think it helped to improve my English to be able to listen more, especially the teachers are friendly and easy to communicate.

Kannitha M. - Entrepreneur

About Us

Cambodia's First Online Language Platform built for Communication

Our mission is to help our students become capable, and develop good speaking skills. We want to help them unlock their potential by removing the barrier of language and communication.

Launched in June 2021

1000+ Classes in November 2021

2000+ Classes in June 2022

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